Electronics Parts Sourcing

Use HeyScottie to find hard-to-source electronics parts. Create an RFQ in seconds to get an answer quickly to get your line running again.

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Electronics Parts Sourcing

Have you been quoted prices that are 100X their normal levels? Has your distributor laughed at your request for all your “A” parts? Give HeyScottie a try. Click on the link to submit an RFQ!

Alternate Parts Sourcing

Tired of hearing Digi-Key telling you their part is backordered until 2035? HeyScottie can provide alternate component pricing along with data sheets so you can evaluate correct form, fit and function for the part. Try HeyScottie now!

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Simply enter your part number into our RFQ and we’ll tell you if we can locate specific inventory or their alternates. Find Mosfet arrays, EPROMs, SRAMs, switching regulators and more!

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