HeyScottie Newsletter – Sept 2022

Manufacturers’ Optimism Drops Manufacturers’ Optimism Drops Due to Supply Chain Challenges and Inflation Aug. 25, 2022 When asked why they are less optimistic, almost all said the increase in material costs over the past year has caused them to raise prices and worry this will affect their business. https://www.mhlnews.com/global-supply-chain/article/21249307/manufacturers-optimism-declines-amid-rising-inflation-and-continued-supply-chain-challenges?utm_source=IY+IW+Supply+Chain+Insights&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CPS220828005&o_eid=9404E7151745B8D&rdx.ident[pull]=omeda|9404E7151745B8D&oly_enc_id=9404E7151745B8D Mfg looking cool again? Are all

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HeyScottie Newsletter – Late August 2022

Congress passes CHIPS act Congress passed its historic $52 billion federal program to boost domestic chipmaking but included one significant caveat: Companies that get funding can’t increase production of advanced chips in China. It adds to escalating geopolitical tensions and will hit firms like Intel and TSMC https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2022/08/09/micron-40-billion-us-subsidies/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=wp_business This is compares to China, which has

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Powder Coating: What it is, what it is good for and how HeyScottie gets parts coated quickly and easily

What is Powder Coating? Powder coating is a popular finish for many items: it is durable, decorative, and one of the cheapest options for finishing metal and many other materials. Tougher than painting, it can protect machinery from corrosion and your lawn furniture from a blizzard. It’s used in the automotive, industrial, marine, and residential

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Electroless Nickel Plating: What it is, what it is good for and how HeyScottie helps get your parts plated quickly and easily

What is Electroless Nickel Plating? Electroless nickel plating deposits a nickel alloy onto a part without electricity–it’s a simple chemical reaction. It provides excellent corrosion and wear resistance to metal parts and is so good that designers can use cheaper types of metal and still get the corrosion resistance of costlier metals, like stainless steel.

Electroless Nickel Plating: What it is, what it is good for and how HeyScottie helps get your parts plated quickly and easily Read More »

Anodizing Aluminum: What is it, what it is good for and how HeyScottie helps get your parts anodized quickly and easily

What is Anodizing? Anodizing (a.k.a. anodising) is process that creates an outside skin or layer of protection on aluminum metals (and certain other metals).  Anodizing increases wear resistance and can be done with dye to color the parts. Anodizing is not an added layer – like painting – but rather a chemical process that changes

Anodizing Aluminum: What is it, what it is good for and how HeyScottie helps get your parts anodized quickly and easily Read More »